Date and time: Thursday March 28, 2019 – 9am -1:45pm
Venue: Ter Ham Castle
About 50 people participated in our seminar ???? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. Here, we put ???????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? and had interesting discussions on the evolution of skills and competences for the 21st century procurement organisation. Furthermore, we talked about ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? in turbulent times.
Subjects and guest speakers
Building Stakeholder Relationships Within A Changing Procurement Organization | Business case with best practices on how reorganising the procurement function within one of Europe’s biggest energy providers. Sometimes we are wondering why a procurement transformation is not effective and moreover what is the reason behind a very low level of process and contract compliance? Some questions to explore around the management of the procurement stakeholders: does our buyers has the adequate dialogue skills with its key operational stakeholders? Are the operational and procurement processes aligned down to the field? Are we organized to avoid the issue of ‘divide and concur’ by our external suppliers? – Paul Izoard, Procurement Practice Director @ Resultance
Developing the Right In-House Procurement Competences | Which competences and skills do our new buyers need? Many CPO’s believe 51% of there staff are insufficiently competent to contribute to their procurement strategy [source: Deloitte Global CPO Survey, 2018]. How can our buyers help with future changes that affect procurement? How can we improve our buyers? How can we find new buyers with the required competences? – Sandy Buckinx, Managing Partner @ SupplyPlus
People in Change – Why Stability Management Is As Important As Change Management | When thinking of change management, most of us picture how a group of people achieve goals through predefined logical steps. This approach is mostly based on a rational analysis and planning, aimed at managing every phase of the process. Often, this is an extrapolation of old patterns and systemts. And when it doesn’t work, you regress to old habits. What are the most important aspects you want to master to change in the present world of VUCA [Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous]. We zoomed in on a newly developed, integrative ‘6 batteries model’ on how 21st century buyers cope with changes from all perspectives. – Peter De Prins, Professor in Management Practice on change management, leadership and coaching @ Vlerick Business School