Talent Search
Skilled procurement and facility management staff: they’re not easy to find. The right attitude, training and expertise, those are what truly matters. Furthermore, the procurement business is very sector and company-specific. Specialist’s work, and the principal area where THOP possesses the greatest expertise. Welcome to The House of Procurement!
Are you looking for the right candidate to fill your vacancy? THOP offers the best procurement and facility management vacancies of top employers.
You are on the lookout for consulting services in the field of Procurement & Supply Management? In order to increase your organization’s purchasing power, THOP offers a wide range of options which may contribute to the accelerated development of a return on investment. THOP assists companies looking for value creation in their supply chain by bringing about innovation, service, quality, or cost reductions. We support you in the development of a best in class procurement organization.
THOP’s hands-on approach provides impressive services which are the result of pioneering experiences in assisting procurement programs for multinationals and medium-sized companies from several sectors.
Find a great job in procurement or facility management
We always have plenty of engaging jobs for applicants with the right attitude
Great business looking for support in procurement or facility management?
Thanks to our carefully built up expertise in these activities and our extensive network, we have made a business of selecting regular and temporary profiles.
Looking to increase your purchasing power, realize cost reductions or update your purchasing organization?
We offer a wide range of options which may contribute to the realization thereof.
concerning procurement, THOP – unsurprisingly – is at home in all sectors. Ranging from industry to trade, retail, business services and so much more! From a Procurement Director to a Purchasing Manager to a Sourcing Specialist: THOP always finds the right candidate for the right job.
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It’s not surprising we are also specialised in this functional domain. In addition to the administrative organization of your company, facility management also concerns managing costs and cost reduction. It is thus logical that for providing a Facility Manager, Property of Real Estate Manager,… you can count on THOP!
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Ronald Jordens

The management of The House of Procurement is in the hands of Ronald Jordens, who can present 30 years of experience in national and international procurement, supply chain and facility management and consulting positions. In time, Ronald started to focus on the HR aspects of these positions as well, at the request of his clients. He has developed expertise in finding HR solutions for many large and medium-sized companies. In the past years, as a pioneer within Supply Chain Capacity and Pro-Cured he has been particularly active in this field. With THOP, he and his team now continue to provide the market at a quickened pace and a heightened standard.
Along the way, Ronald continued to find that many organizations still require support in order to sustainably design result-oriented procurement and supply chain improvement programs that contribute to developing their maturity and financial results. For that reason, Ronald decided to kick off 2019 with a combined service where these niche HR solutions and the targeted support of procurement and supply issues occupy centre stage under one roof. Read more About THOP

“Ik heb Ronald leren kennen als een gedreven en professionele collega die de wereld van supply chain zeer goed kent. Hij slaagt erin om complexe zaken inzichtelijk en begrijpbaar te maken. Met zijn rijke ervaring en communicatieve vaardigheden brengt hij de aankoopfunctie binnen een organisatie naar een hoger niveau.”

“Ronald Jordens was a great resource in supporting strategic sourcing projects. He provided good advice and recommendations, and helped our sourcing team with implementation of the sourcing transformation. His knowledge was deployed in multiple European sites, and gained the confidence and cooperation of non-sourcing people by bringing added value with the strategic sourcing process and his high-level negotiation skills.”

"Ronald Jordens tilde onze procurementafdeling meteen naar het juiste niveau. Vooral zijn holistische benadering hielp ons om alles in een breder perspectief te plaatsen. Om nog maar te zwijgen over zijn jarenlange ervaring. Hij heeft het vak écht in de vingers."

“Ik ken Ronald al enkele jaren. Zijn drive, ambitie en enthousiasme voor het sourcingvak zijn continu zichtbaar aanwezig. Ronald blijft gedreven in het halen van zijn doelen en dat maakt hem een interessant en boeiend persoon om mee samen te werken.”

“Mijn hartelijk bedankingen voor de weg die je voor mij hebt geopend om me helemaal thuis in mijn nieuwe job te voelen. Dit resultaat is neergezet door de vlotte en goede communicatie en het gezamenlijke doorzettingsvermogen. Werken naar een persoonlijke oplossing voor mezelf en de specifieke vacature van Salco Professional. Bedankt om me steeds te woord te staan bij verdere vragen en de goede ondersteuning. Ik kan alleen maar zeggen dat dit een fijne professionele indruk heeft nagelaten. 'Special thanks' richt ik naar Ronald."

"Ik heb Ronald leren kennen als een een gedreven en professionele collega die de wereld van supply chain zeer goed kent. Hij slaagt er in om complexe zaken inzichtelijk en begrijpbaar te maken. Met zijn rijke ervaring en communicatieve vaardigheden brengt hij de aankoopfunctie binnnen een organisatie.tot een hoger niveau."

"Ronald has been an excellent mentor for my masterthesis/internship during my time as a student at HUB Brussels. He is a warm and cordial man, with a remarkable sense of business. He is punctual and will always help where possible. I feel like I owe a great deal of my final grades,that I obtained on both projects I worked on with him, to his aid and insights. Thank you Ronald!"

"Uitstekende stagementor waar je veel kennis kunt opsteken. Zo heb ik als onervarene veel kunnen bijleren van Ronald Jordens omtrent het vakgebied Procurement. Zo heb ik ervaring kunnen opdoen op verschillende vlakken, van inter-persoonlijke tot vakspecifieke vaardigheden. Supply Chain Capacity is een educatief bedrijf waar je kunt genieten van een deugdelijke vorming. De aanpak van Ronald Jordens heeft me bewust gemaakt van het hele gebeuren rond de inkoopstrategieën die een bedrijf moet hanteren om duurzaam te groeien."

"I have worked with Ronald on a large project with several suppliers, some of which located outside Europe. Ronald managed these suppliers with great dedication and efficiency, ensuring we got the best deal while maintaining cordial relations. I would recommend Ronald without hesitation and would like to add that he's a nice colleague and very good communicator."

"I know Ronald as a very knowledgeable and well-connected Procurement and Supply Chain Specialist."

"Ronald is a world class professional in supply chain consultancy and solutions. His thoroughness, understanding of issues and integrity confirm his 'best practice' approach. I would not hesitate to recommend him to any organisation."

"Ronald brought a wealth of experience in our organistation, his contribution has elevated our strategical- and tactical plans to the next level."